The UltraPure® produces high quality recycled water for applications in commercial laundry, food processing, and many others with no added treatment chemicals. The ultra-filtration process uses an innovative ceramic crossflow membrane design that can reclaim up to 85% of wastewater and 85% of wastewater heat.
The UltraPure® is designed to fit in any plant, big or small, with added capacity for future growth at less cost.
Wastewater is captured in the pit and pumped out before it would be discharged to sewer.
A process solids separating system removes suspended solids and other particulates from the waste stream.
The water is then pumped at high velocity through cross flow ceramic membrane housings and the transmembrane pressure pushes the permeate water out of the sub-micron pores.
The retentate is sent via a return line back to the process feed tank to be fed through again.
The permeate is sent to the recycled water tanks to be stored and pumped as needed back to the plant.
The concentrate left over in the feed tank is dewatered or metered to sewer at the end of each operating day.
COD up to 97%
BOD up to 93%
TSS up to 100%
Oil and Grease up to 99%
Precipitated Heavy Metals up to 99%
The UltraPure® can significantly reduce the retentate without bypassing to sewer or using a filter press.